The ALU takes 4-bits wide Operators and Operation sequentially with every clock cycle if the enabled signal is set to high, it takes an additional clock to output the result
Run make
from the command line in the src directory to perform all tests suites, you must have Python, cocotb and Icarus Verilog installed
If you have GTK Wave installed you can run the command make test_gtkwave
to generate the VCD output, the run gtkwave tb.vcd
to see the waveforms
# | Input | Output |
0 | clock | result_0 |
1 | reset | result_1 |
2 | enabled | result_2 |
3 | result_3 | |
4 | Opx_opcode_0 | done_flag |
5 | Opx_opcode_1 | carry_flag |
6 | Opx_opcode_2 | zero_flag |
7 | Opx_opcode_3 | sign_flag |